
VILLA PARK : Council Considers Mobile Home Controls

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In this city of million-dollar homes and acre-sized lots, the prospect of back-yard mobile homes is causing city government to wince.

But state law clearly prohibits cities and counties from outlawing secondary residences--including mobile homes--at single-family residences, Assistant City Atty. Dan Slater told the City Council on Tuesday night.

City Manager Fred Maley said the matter is definitely on the minds of some Villa Park homeowners. “We’re getting many calls about this,” Maley told the council. He said some homeowners may be thinking about secondary, back-yard dwellings for the rental income they might provide.


After hearing staff reports, the council called for the drafting of a new ordinance to control--but not ban--secondary housing. Maley said Villa Park currently has no ordinance specifically aimed at such units.

The Legislature, in a move to increase housing in the state, passed laws that encourage secondary housing at single-family residences. Slater noted, however, that the state laws do allow some leeway for local controls, such as in design requirements.

“You can set up criteria--a fairly specific set of guidelines,” Slater said.

Maley said he believed a new ordinance should include design review and a requirement that at least one dwelling on the lot must be owner-occupied.


Maley said the council should consider a local ordinance “in order to protect property values.”

But some on the council said that even with local controls, they are uneasy about mobile homes in Villa Park.

Said Councilman Bob Bell: “I find it hard to believe that a mobile home could be made compatible with our other housing.”
