
Global Economy

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* Should U.S. business and U.S. government become partners to ensure America’s leadership in today’s global economy? The answer is yes. There is no other choice.

Other governments are heavily involved with businesses in their economies. They have provided subsidies for the research and development of consumer products such as automobiles and telecommunication equipment. They have implemented import trade barriers while facilitating the export of domestically produced products. These are the realities of today’s global market, and we as a country must meet the challenge of performing in it.

There was a time not long ago that the “made in America” label was a symbol synonymous with quality. Today, with few exceptions, American products are considered inferior, or at best cheaper alternatives to the industry standard. Two exceptions are the military and pharmaceutical industries. As a country we make the best weapons, tanks, ships and airplanes that any army could possibly want, and once we are through demolishing you, we have the very best medical care and technology to put you back together again.


The United States subsidizes research and development for both industries. It also provides a strict set of standards of quality assurance through agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Defense Electronics Supply Center.

Why can’t the same be done for other industries, such as our own telecommunication industry, or the automotive industry?


Simi Valley
