
Kay Brick; Pilot, Powder Puff Derby Co-Founder

Kay Menges Brick, 84, a World War II WASP who helped found the Powder Puff Derby and was president of the 99s, the international organization for licensed women pilots. Mrs. Brick, a native of Maine who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from New York University, won her pilot’s license in 1941. In 1943 and 1944 she ferried planes and towed targets as one of a few Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs). She continued flying until near the end of her life and was active in the United Flying Octogenarians. After helping to create the All-Woman Transcontinental Air Race, which became known as the Powder Puff Derby, Mrs. Brick served as the sponsor’s chairman and executive director for 13 years and was on its board another 12 years. She held several offices in the 99s, edited four of its publications and was elected international president in 1950. Among the races she won was the Frances Nolde New York-to-Miami derby in 1948. Mrs. Brick also was an officer in the National Pilots Assn. and an adviser to the Federal Aviation Administration. On Sunday in Fallbrook, Calif.
