
Clinton to Adopt Senate’s Lobbyist Disclosure Rules

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From Associated Press

At odds with Republicans over political reform, President Clinton announced Friday that he will act on his own to place tough disclosure rules on lobbyists who contact federal employees.

He directed Atty. Gen. Janet Reno to draft an order barring executive branch employees from meeting with any lobbyist who fails to comply with the new registration standards.

Clinton said he was acting on his own because House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) had failed to follow through on their June handshake agreement to create a bipartisan commission on political reform.


“We continue to hope that the Speaker will live up to his handshake and move forward on this commission,” Clinton said. “But we shouldn’t wait and Congress shouldn’t either.”

Gingrich said he wants to proceed slowly on the commission idea rather than rush into creating a panel that is doomed to failure.
