
Hiring Overseas Teachers Defies Logic

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* OK, let’s see if I have this right. The Santa Ana Unified School District has recruited/imported 10 teachers from Spain to teach Mexican kids who now reside in America to help them become productive, contributing members of American society. (“Task Force to Study Bilingual Education,” July 28.)

Where’s the common sense?

It is amazing to see out-of-country teacher recruitment when many U.S.-born teachers--from families who have contributed to our nation’s greatness--can’t find a permanent teaching job in Orange County. Many of these young teachers have invested time and money to take classes to placate bilingual proponents and satisfy state requirements demonstrating that they are qualified to teach non-English-speaking immigrant children. But, I guess American talent isn’t respected by this district.

Would Supt. Al Mijares support recruiting teachers from Bangladesh, Croatia, Vietnam and Ethiopia to serve these particular immigrant groups? What will the superintendent tell his kids when they are old enough to be discriminated against and denied employment in favor of imported labor?


Overzealous bilingual proponents have apparently created a situation in Santa Ana that defies logic (something bilingual advocates are quite good at).

Taxpaying citizens need to question all politically mandated programs and policies that act to divide our society rather than unify us.

This discriminatory segregation further tribalizes our society and is counterproductive to America’s future and to the future of the child affected.

Perhaps next time Santa Ana hires a superintendent, the board will pay as much attention to the philosophies of the candidate as they do a surname.


Huntington Beach
