
PORT HUENEME : Longshoremen Back After 1-Day Strike

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Port Hueneme longshoremen returned to work Tuesday after a one-day union strike shut down West Coast ports from Canada to Mexico on Monday.

Oxnard Harbor District spokesman Kam Quarles estimated that about 30 local longshoremen did not report to work Monday.

“There was one ship, so [the work stoppage] had a minimal impact,” said Bill Buenger, the district’s executive director. Depending on the number of ships entering the port, anywhere between 86 and 350 longshoremen handle cargo daily, he said.


A statement from the International Longshoremen’s & Warehousemen’s Union said the strike resulted from a number of long-simmering disputes with the Pacific Maritime Assn., which has a coastwide contract with the union.

Officials from the Pacific Maritime Assn. and the longshoremen’s union did not return phone calls Tuesday.
