
What County Needs Is Another Popejoy

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* If the supervisors were aware of [former Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L.] Citron’s dealings and did nothing to stop it, they should not be one more minute in charge of supervising. On the contrary, if they were not aware of the monumental disaster developing around them, they should not remain in charge either, because it shows a complete lack of perception and zeal, which are mandatory for people in the job of supervisor, which basically means to watch over, keep an eye on, guard, superintend, oversee, look after, take care of, etc.

Throughout history our political system has had the courage to remove people from much higher positions for not fulfilling the scope of their jobs. The same group of supervisors who participated actively or passively in the debacle is the group that [former Orange County Chief Executive Officer William J.] Popejoy had to report to. Continuing under said conditions would have been, for him, like bordering the threshold of humiliation. Mr. Popejoy lost the tax battle, but it is one battle, not the war.

Intelligent minds always find alternatives. Our noble and magnificent country has been recognized and admired worldwide for the action and courage of many of its politicians, but mainly for the ingenuity and persistence of its entrepreneurs. Orange County is not going to collapse; it is still one of the most progressive and wealthiest places on earth, but it needs surgery. It is disheartening to see the talented departing.


Although I am against intervention, I firmly believe that at this point the state of California must intervene, using its authority to select within Orange County the people with the skills, experience and common sense to solve this crisis. They are numerous in Orange County; no need for an expensive nationwide hunt.

What we have is a problem with political ramifications, but the core of the issues is business-related. Good business people with common sense joined by a constructive and uncommitted political group will solve the problem, if they act rapidly and firmly.


Newport Beach

* I am originally from New Jersey, which is close to New York, and have a plan to save the taxpayers the search fee as well as the salary they will be paying the newly hired CEO: Rehire Mr. Popejoy at his previous salary, as he eminently fulfills the stated qualifications. Because I am a resident willing to do my part in minimizing the county’s financial distress, I waive my search fee. Net cost to taxpayers: zilch!


