
Fuhrman Tapes in Simpson Trial

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Re “With Trial at Risk, Ito Sends Issue of Tapes to Another Court,” Aug. 16:

If Mark Fuhrman in fact has committed perjury and other felonies while a police officer, arrest, charge, try and convict him. Meanwhile, the O.J. Simpson trial should get on with the business of trying Simpson. I am sickened and offended by the defense team’s persistent attempts to manipulate the public and the jury by shamelessly inflaming racial tensions in this city and by directing attention anywhere and everywhere but on the victims, the manner in which they died, and the overwhelming evidence that points to their client’s guilt.




* The irony of Johnnie Cochran’s rage that a police officer allegedly committed perjury and is not a really nice guy is not lost on the intelligent masses. Cochran should realize that anyone who could accept a half-million dollars from a wife-beater, adulterer and most likely double murderer is not taken too seriously. Cochran wants the truth that he keeps accusing the prosecution of hiding? Put Simpson on the stand--let’s hear the truth.


San Pedro


* The use of the race card by the defense in the Simpson trial is more corrosive of our social and legal fabric than anything that a single detective could have said or done. Our acquiescence to the use of the race card shows our compromised, self-conscious position.





* What I object to most of all about Fuhrman is that Los Angeles, using my tax dollars, is going to be paying this wacko’s pension for the next 30 years. Isn’t there something that can be done about it?


Sherman Oaks


* I would like to comment on the Goldman family’s press conference Aug. 16. I understand their emotions and I feel bad for their loss. I also have seen and experienced that emotions can blind you to reality.

There was a simple way that these tapes would have been a non-issue in this particular case. This method was for the detective, Fuhrman, to have told the truth. This witness has perjured himself, proving that he has little regard for being honest. The question must come to mind as to what else he was less than honest about during the course of his involvement in this case, both inside and outside of the courtroom.




* Where is the parade? The defense has alleged there are 66 separate incidents of police misconduct addressed in these tapes. If so, there should be a parade of witnesses. Where are the motorists who have had their driver’s licenses torn up by Fuhrman in order to create “probable cause”? Where are the victims of “planted” or “manufactured” evidence? Where are the victims of “beatings” at the hands of Fuhrman? With all the flakes coming out of the woodwork to make accusations against Fuhrman, surely there must be one or two of the above.

Let the jury hear the tapes. All of the tapes, so they can hear them in context. I think what they will hear is some blowhard cop trying to impress a wanna-be screenwriter police groupie.


Santa Monica


* Physics question: Has any wagon ever traveled farther with its wheels off than the Simpson trial?



Thousand Oaks
