
A Child’s Scary Nights With Radio Stories

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I just had to write regarding your article “Kids Give Old-Time Radio a New Life” (Aug. 4).

It was great. There are a few old radio programs still aired on one of our radio stations and I find myself listening to them now and then. The kids of today don’t know what they missed in the old programs. Your imagination went wild--nothing will ever replace it.

I loved the last paragraph about being scared out of your wits listening to the radio in the dark. I remember so well listening to “The Shadow” and a few other scary stories at night when I was in bed.

I was so scared I wouldn’t take my arm out from under my covers to turn the radio off and my mother would give me holy hell in the morning for leaving the radio on all night. Or she would have to come up to my room and shut it off before she went to bed. I couldn’t tell her I was scared to turn it off as she would have forbidden me to listen to those programs.



