
Murder and Media

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* A young man was recently arrested and charged with the murder of my niece, Mary Lewis.

Without passing judgment on his guilt or innocence, I wish to thank and express admiration for the police who did such a great job of investigating this crime. There would be fewer crimes if potential criminals knew just how good police investigations can be.

A word to those who have suffered or will suffer a loss like the loss of Mary. We have already seen much good come from her death. When God permits someone to be taken early, it is helpful to remember that God does not make mistakes.

A word to everyone. [President] Clinton and [Senate Majority Leader Robert] Dole are right when they allege that media attacks on morality desensitize everyone, but especially the young. I believe most of the murders of recent years would not have occurred if the media had not persistently attacked morality. It is not only the violence, it is the attack on all religious values, especially sexual morality. For many, promiscuity is the first step toward abandoning substantially all religious-based morality. We would be far better off if promiscuity and abortion were regarded with disgust, rather than virginity being regarded with ridicule.



Santa Ana
