
Fuhrman Tapes Aired in Court

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* Re “Fuhrman Tapes Aired: a Recital of Racism, Wrath,” Aug. 30:

Maybe now white people will believe us when we say racism is alive and well in every aspect of this society, an issue with which we must deal on a constant basis from birth and why so many feel affirmative action is necessary.

If you drive an older car in South-Central Los Angeles you get pulled over, but if you drive a Porsche in Westwood the same applies because “you don’t belong.”

Clearly our society is not a meritocracy as the Pete Wilsons of the world would try to have us believe. Black people have been saying that for years, but it takes privately owned tapes in the trial of the century for most to have their eyes opened. Maybe now whites will believe-- but I doubt it!




* The district attorney will be committing a grave injustice if Fuhrman is not swiftly and decisively prosecuted for perjury.


Los Angeles

* It does not surprise me that a Los Angeles police officer could utter such reprehensible remarks about a group of people he worked with so closely. There is a delicate balancing act that we all follow and that seems to be the unwritten law of the land.

Racism will end when we not only wipe it out of our conscious world but from our unconscious world as well.



Long Beach

* My hat is off to the “Dream Team” for making Fuhrman a defendant. Great job! But why stop with Fuhrman? Can’t they find anyone to come forth and testify that Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman used the “N-word” in the last 10 years? They can make Nicole and Ron defendants as well. Maybe by then everyone will have forgotten about O.J.


Woodland Hills

* Although it appears that Mark Fuhrman is a racist, I find it amazing how many ignorant people there are in this city and elsewhere who think he set up O.J. Simpson. I didn’t know Fuhrman was a psychic and or genius, which is what he would have had to be.

There are 24 hours in a day. O.J. had an alibi for every hour except one. That one was 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. How did Fuhrman know O.J. was going to Chicago at 12? How did Fuhrman know O.J. went with Kato to get fast food? Why was the murder not at any of the other 23 hours? Was it just luck on Fuhrman’s side to plant evidence without knowing O.J.’s schedule? If so, I would like to ask him for some lottery numbers.



Los Angeles

* As a 34-year-old white male I am embarrassed by the comments I read coming from Fuhrman’s mouth. Hopefully, the black community doesn’t see Fuhrman as representative of most white people in America. There will always be racist whites and blacks in society. We must learn to persevere through these inflammatory comments that surface on both sides if we are to ever achieve victory over the racial barrier.

People like Fuhrman would like nothing else than to divide the white/black culture even further apart. Let’s not give him and others like him the satisfaction. We all need to rise above this type of rhetoric and not give in to the few people who feed on anger and ignorance.



* Much of the outcry over the Fuhrman tapes is pure hypocrisy. The LAPD accurately reflects pervasive attitudes found throughout the citizenry of Los Angeles, most of whom are prudent enough to watch their tongues. These views are not only deeply racist but reflect an elitist social order which is hateful or intolerant toward females, the poor and anyone with an unconventional life style.

As a Caucasian who has lived in the Crenshaw district for seven years, I can testify firsthand to the isolation my husband and I have experienced from our so-called friends who use a cleaned-up version of Fuhrman’s language to decline dinner invitations. Los Angeles is a series of ghettos--by design. Some enclaves are for the wealthy, others for the poor, but the shape of the city is intended to separate socioeconomic groups as well as races.

Los Angeles has the Police Department it wants. Reform needs to start in the heart of the city, and in the hearts of the citizenry, and not use Fuhrman as a scapegoat.


Los Angeles

* As horrible as it is to hear, it is not illegal to use the N-word. It is, however, illegal to murder your ex-wife and her innocent friend. We won’t cure racism by letting Simpson get away with murder. Let’s keep things in perspective.



