
A Ripple of Doubt About Rohrabacher

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* Re: “Moving From the Fringe to the Forefront” (Aug. 28):

Yeah, right! Mr. Rohrabacher is a bigger embarrassment to the sport of surfing than Kato Kaelin! Any “surfer” who would vote to allow increased ocean dumping of sewage is obviously full of the same!

Dana Rohrabacher is nothing but an act!


Dana Point

* My conservatism is longer and stronger than our congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s, whom I have [long] admired. So I empathize with his outrage at “back-room deals” with liberal Democrat Willie Brown to make Doris Allen the first Republican Speaker of the Assembly in 22 years.

Understandably, Rohrabacher is leading a recall of Allen even though she, with few exceptions, has been a good conservative vote for 12 years.


As I was a member of the Orange County Republican Central Committee, I strongly supported her efforts to unseat a liberal Democrat assemblyman in 1978, 1980 and successfully in 1982. Ironically, Rohrabacher admitted last October to doing a “back-room deal” with “special interests” or “intervening forces” as he described them. Consequently, he refused to endorse a genuine conservative for the Costa Mesa City Council in order to let a liberal win a third term.

Thus, Rohrabacher could be more credible and a better representative if he would recall our liberal council members.

So, Dana, please concentrate less on the Sacramento mess. Help us here to save our city, our schools, property and pocketbooks.



Costa Mesa
