
LAUGH LINES : Punchlines

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The Senator Packs It In: “Bob Packwood gave a 10-minute farewell speech. He would have talked longer, but he had to get to a farewell party at Hooters.” (Jay Leno)

* “The senator said there was still so much he wanted to do--his receptionist, that typing-pool secretary, the second-floor maid.” (Alan Ray)

* “Packwood has fondled more breasts than a counterperson at KFC.” (Paul Ecker)

* “Packwood’s supporters were left groping for answers.” (Cutler Daily Scoop)

* “You can expect a sleazy movie to come out of this. The 10,145-page Ethics Committee report has been optioned by Sen. Phil Gramm.” (Bob Mills)



Ray, on Sen. Bob Dole declaring war on bilingual education: “He’s taking a stand. And from now on, he will only doublespeak one language.”

Comic Argus Hamilton, on tropical storm Henriette causing snakes to wash up on San Diego beaches: “They were a little early. The Republican convention doesn’t start there until August.”

Hamilton, on JFK Jr. unveiling George, his new magazine: “It covers the true backstage lifestyles of politicians. Uncle Teddy called to wish him luck, and remind him who controls the trust fund.”


Leno, on a new survey that reveals 28% of all Americans admit they sometimes urinate in the swimming pool: “Today, 19 countries withdrew from the ’96 Summer Games in Atlanta.”

Mills, on Los Angeles getting a $48.2-million federal grant for 643 police officers: “The big question is: Can the Klan turn that many out on such short notice?”

* Adds comic Jenny Church: “As one condition of the grant, the EPA insists that the city stop dumping the old ones in Idaho.”



Cirque du O.J.: “Chief Willie L. Williams has promised a biopsy of Mark Fuhrman’s LAPD career. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate at this point to call it an ‘autopsy’?” (Donna Cohn)

* “While Fuhrman took the 5th, Marcia Clark looked like she could have used a fifth.” (Hugh Malay)

* “To give you some idea how much trouble Fuhrman is in, today he hired Johnnie Cochran to get him out of it.” (Leno)


When Marina del Ray reader Pat Fleming’s daughter learned she was expecting again, she explained it to son Stephen, 5: “Mommy has a baby in her tummy.” The boy looked at his mom, his eyes widened, and he started to run from the room. Asked where he was going, Stephen replied:

“I’ve got to go tell Daddy!”
