
Closing Lopez Canyon Would Waste Money

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* The city of Los Angeles spent approximately $100 million of taxpayer money to develop the area known as “C” Canyon in the Lopez Canyon Landfill to accommodate the refuse of its citizens.

This canyon has only been used to 20% of capacity and it is estimated to take at least five years to fill it. Considering how many communities are in the Los Angeles city limits, this is a lot of trash.

Now we are told Lopez Canyon will be closed prematurely, leaving a vast developed area unused and causing the city to divert our trash to privately held landfills in the area, at an additional cost per ton.


There are two issues here: How can we tolerate such a waste of taxpayer money, and how do we know we won’t be held hostage by the private landfills once Lopez Canyon closes? These monthly costs could go sky-high.

It is time to call your council representative and let them know you won’t tolerate such a foolish waste of our tax dollars in this time of budget crisis.


Canoga Park
