
E-Mail : Arroyo Seco Bikeway

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I have been a cycling commuter for over 10 years and would like to strongly voice my support for [the bikeway] project (“Bikeway Plan,” Aug. 29). I must admit that if it weren’t for the thieves who stole two of my vehicles in six months I would have never thought twice about riding to work on a bike. I think that is one of the best examples of a “dark cloud having a silver lining.”

Even with our currently very pitiful cycling conditions in Southern California, my 22-mile commute from Monrovia to Downtown takes only 15 minutes longer than a car in traffic (but equals one hour of exercise). Plus, I arrive at work energized and de-stressed. It doesn’t take more than a few months before your body adjusts to the challenge.

My dream is that Dennis Crowley’s path is built and becomes popular, and even trendy, with the yups of Downtown. What boggles my mind is that we are behind so many cities with foul weather as far as bikeways are concerned and we have such great weather.



