
Rodeo Provides a Healthy Alternative

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* In response to Simi Valley resident Gayle Amaral’s Sept. 24 letter condemning the rodeo at Simi Valley Days, it should be noted that this event enjoys a superior standard and reputation.

If Ms. Amaral will open her eyes and look at the animal athletes, she will see a business that promotes their well-being. The cost is great both in purchase and maintenance, and to suggest that they are routinely mistreated or subject to violence indicates ignorance.

My two teen-agers rodeo. They both spend time caring for and exercising their horses, and they are interested in the care of animals as careers. When I read of drive-by shootings, gangs, drugs and robberies, I am deeply concerned for the state of our society. But when I go to my children’s rodeo events and see the bond and spirit between competitors, my faith is restored.


Simi Valley, you provide a clean and healthy alternative to big-city problems. Don’t be swayed by those who would have you lose your heritage in the misguided name of animal rights.


