
Ethics Commission

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Your Oct. 6 editorial about the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission shows a misunderstanding of how things work and who’s in charge. The city Ethics Commission is an important cog in California’s enforcement machinery against corruption. Because of limited resources, all district attorneys, other commissions and the Fair Political Practices Commission rely on each other’s strengths and legal capabilities to turn over political rocks and punish people who violate the public trust.

Sadly, personal ambition and self-aggrandizement have been placed ahead of essential working relationships and the people’s business. As a result, the city Ethics Commission has become ostracized and isolated from California’s ethics and campaign law enforcement community, a fact that is acknowledged by our colleagues across the nation.

Your editorial compromises the ability of the new board president to set her own direction for the commission. If a majority of the commission agrees, she is entitled to implement her policies. Further, any inference that she would be subject to outside political pressure is an insult to her proven integrity and a disservice to the people of Los Angeles. An apology is due.


RAVI MEHTA, Chairman

Fair Political Practices Commission

