
Ostracism of Simpson

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In the article (Oct. 13) detailing how “widespread public disdain” surprises O.J. Simpson, Joe Hicks, executive director of the Los Angeles Multicultural Collaborative, expresses his own bewilderment that “no matter what a jury says, the whole issue of perception of innocent until proven guilty (has been) thrown out the window.” This is both hypocritical and disingenuous.

If the jurors could be encouraged by Johnnie Cochran to ignore their inherent responsibility to assess the evidence and instead render a verdict that would “send a message,” then why should the public at large be held to any more of an obligation to suddenly embrace this man just because of the verdict?

KEN MARCUS, Los Angeles


Cochran suggests that white Americans are angry over O.J. Simpson’s acquittal because Simpson is black, and that the media are largely responsible. Does Cochran think that white Americans would be any less outraged by the acquittal of, say, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy?


As for the negative press, Cochran should keep in mind that it was an adoring press that made Simpson a popular hero. You live by the lie, you die by the lie.



“You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” This is a lesson O.J. will have to learn. His image is hurt right now. He can’t repair it by giving interviews. It would behoove Simpson to keep a low profile and move on. We, the public, must also “move on.” There are more important news items than Simpson. Enough already!



“Maybe I’m a little cocky,” Simpson reportedly told the New York Times, “but in my heart I feel I can have a conversation with anyone.”


Er, um, well, except for Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric.



On O.J.’s not guilty verdict: I first thought give the man the benefit of the doubt. After all he declared he will pursue the real killer or killers since the district attorney considered the case closed. If he is successful, it will be the most complete and satisfying vindication.

But then again, I am beginning to doubt he was telling the truth. He seemed more enthusiastic about getting back on the golf course and proving Marcia Clark (and why not Christopher Darden, I wonder) wrong in debate. A liar sometimes believes his own lies.



I find the ostracism of Simpson to be a refreshing development in an otherwise tawdry affair. When a society can ostracize someone, it is evidence that it still has a conception of the normative and the good. I am delighted, for I had come to believe that our society had lost this ability altogether.


The plain truth of the matter is that an overwhelming majority of Americans consider Simpson to be a wife-batterer and a murderer. O.J. may be free, but he must face the fact that as he meets the public for the rest of his life, 70% will think they are looking at a murderer. For a guy like Simpson who is used to being followed by groups of fawning sycophants, the role of latter-day Flying Dutchman is going to be a living hell and a fit punishment for his crime. May the Goldmans and the Browns take some peace in this fact.



It looks like the women libbers, most especially Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women, are out to get Simpson “by any means necessary.”

MARK S. KERN, Larkspur, Calif.


Now O.J. wants to knock the chip off Marcia Clark’s shoulder! Then he wants to sue the National Organization for Women!

I’m glad to see his rage toward women has mellowed.



“As ye sow, so shall ye reap”; “what goes around comes around”; “hoist by his own petard.”

How these cliches must go whirling around in former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman’s head! As his life and his enormous ego shattered all around him!

A black man, wealthy, a sports idol, a universally admired celebrity has--though probably guilty--been acquitted of murdering his white ex-wife and her white friend--and Fuhrman, the ultimate racist, the supreme bigot, has only himself to blame.

What incredible irony! Such poetic justice! How sweet it is!

V.R. McBRIDE, Long Beach


Clark and Darden sold out to the highest bidder, the William Morris Agency (Oct. 11). What a laugh on their sanctimonious cries. And then we are told that Simpson shouldn’t profit from his crime. What crime? O.J. was found not guilty and the law says “innocent until proven guilty.”


PAT MARK, Los Angeles
