
Gingrich, on Fund-Raising Tour, Backs Affirmative Action Repeal

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House Speaker Newt Gingrich, making a foray into the state Friday as a political fund-raiser, endorsed the proposed “California civil rights initiative” to repeal affirmative action programs for women and minorities.

In a mass mailing of a fund-raising letter, Gingrich cited California as a forerunner of national political change and asserted that by approving the controversial measure the state can “point the way for America to a better future.”

The four-page Gingrich appeal deplores affirmative action as “legalized discrimination” that must be abolished for the sake of “your children and grandchildren and, indeed, our entire nation.”


“We cannot create an opportunity society for all Americans by discriminating against any American,” the Georgia Republican said.

The proposed constitutional amendment that supporters hope to place on the November ballot next year would outlaw state and local government preferences for women and minorities in employment, contracting and higher education. It is supported by Gov. Pete Wilson.

The initiative campaign must gather more than 690,000 voter signatures to qualify for the ballot. Proponents hope to collect at least 1 million signatures, a process under way since summer.


Joe Gelman, manager of the campaign, said that to his knowledge Gingrich’s endorsement marked the first time the new Speaker of the House had ventured into California as a statewide fund-raiser.

“He feels strongly that we need to qualify this initiative for the ballot,” Gelman said. “He stepped forward to help provide the necessary leadership.”

Gelman estimated that $1.2 million will have to be raised to qualify the measure for the ballot. “We’ve already raised some money and we need to raise a substantial amount [more] very quickly,” he said.


But Gingrich’s appeal drew criticism from Bill Press, chairman of the California Democratic Party, who called Gingrich the “Louis Farrakhan of the Republican Party. He’s trying to tear us apart and destroy, rather than to lead. He’s done that in Congress and now he’s branching out into the states.”

Sal Russo, a Republican campaign consultant who is not involved in the affirmative action initiatives, said the Gingrich appeal would raise substantial funds. “Among the faithful, there isn’t anyone more powerful,” Russo said.

Signature-gathering has also been authorized for several other competing proposals, some supporting retention of affirmative action and others aimed at abolishing it.
