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Please don’t feed the ducks.

That’s the latest message from Long Beach officials concerned about disease at the El Dorado Duck Pond on Studebaker Road.

Tossing bread crumbs to hungry ducks has been a popular pastime at the pond. But today, officials plan to post four signs around the pond asking park-goers to refrain from feeding the birds.

The reason: Officials believe the abundance of bread crumbs and other food tossed at the ducks is attracting too many migratory birds to the pond--birds that often carry disease.


“One sick animal can potentially affect all the others,” said Long Beach official Phil Hester.

Scientists believe avian botulism killed more than 20 ducks at the pond in early October, and they suspect a migratory bird may have introduced the disease to the park, which attracts a variety of waterfowl throughout the year.

Violators will not be penalized, but Hester hopes the signs will be enough to deter visitors from feeding the birds. According to Hester, the signs will state: “For the welfare of our waterfowl, please don’t feed the ducks.”
