
HOLIDAY: In times past, all the fuss...

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HOLIDAY: In times past, all the fuss on Halloween was a prelude to today, All Saints Day, an important date on the Christian Church calendar. . . . “St. Paul called the saints the citizens of heaven,” says Father Michael Slattery of St. John Baptist de la Salle Church in Granada Hills, which will hold four Masses today. Scripture readings will include the Beatitudes, “which tell you how to become a saint,” Slattery says.

FACE OFF: Not everyone loves a good disguise, even if it is Halloween. At the Wells Fargo Bank in Northridge, a sign in the window Tuesday advised: “Please remove mask before entering.” . . . Said one employee: “In our business, we need to identify the person when they come in.”

LOCAL HERO: Scott Rosenfeld, a paramedic in North Hollywood, rescued a suicidal woman from atop a parking garage last year--and was just named Paramedic of the Year by a professional journal (B1). . . . “If someone else was in my shoes, they would have done the same thing,” he says. The worst part? Accepting the award before 1,000 people in a Las Vegas ballroom.


LEAKY BOARD: Board members of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy love to leak tidbits to the media. But now, board member Richard Sybert wants it to stop and is asking for an investigation into a colleague’s transgressions regarding dealings with Soka University. . . . His colleagues are perplexed, though, because many said--off the record--that Sybert is the biggest blabbermouth of all. Sybert--on the record--said he takes closed- session meetings seriously.

VERSATILE: Burroughs High School football star Mike Barrett scored seven touchdowns in one game and passed for 1,142 yards in a season, but he can’t keep his position. That’s because his coach puts him wherever he’s needed. . . . Mike doesn’t mind. “If it’s going to help us win, I’m more than happy,” he says (C8).
