
‘Powder’ Director

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Re “Disney Movie’s Director a Convicted Child Molester,” Oct. 25:

As heinous a crime as it is, when did the punishment for child molestation become two years in prison and never being able to work again? If this country still believes in rehabilitation and redemption, then Victor Salva, the director of “Powder,” has paid his debt to society.

I have seen the movie and it is a fine, moral and uplifting film. It is the type of film that is desperately needed in today’s media market of sex and violence. Walt Disney Pictures should stand up for this man and be proud to present a picture of the caliber of “Powder.” If you believe in family values, do not boycott an intelligent, moral, nonviolent film such as “Powder.”


Culver City


After seeing the commercial previews of “Powder,” I was intrigued and wanted to view it at the theaters. Your article about Salva has changed my mind.


With children of my own, I find the past acts of Salva extremely difficult to comprehend and forgive. By spending time in jail, Salva may have paid his debt to society, but it does little to alleviate my fears that he will repeat this act on another innocent victim. I support Nathan Winters in his quest and sincerely hope he can eventually heal.

As consumers, we tend to forget our collective power in boycotting a product or service. I for one will not spend a cent on this film and will rethink my future spending on any Disney product, service or property. Now that this has come to light, Disney officials need to resolve this issue and evoke the family values they so passionately believe make Disney special.


