
School Activities Have Become Elitist

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* Another school year is under way. However, for some of the members of band, pageantry, choir, and drum line, school never ended. Many students had to attend summer school in order to have time in their schedules for these elective classes.

The cost at Camarillo High for belonging to pageantry groups may run anywhere from $500 to well over $2,000. These costs are not unusual in the music and performing arts classes. Many working students have been booted out, leaving only the very wealthy and privileged to enjoy these activities.

Should public high school be the place where all kids who want to participate be allowed the pleasure of belonging to bands, drum lines, choral groups, and pageantry teams, or should participation be limited to a very select group of ultra-talented and affluent kids?


Should the expensive out-of-country trips be discontinued in favor of more affordable excursions? Should winning competitions and earning accolades for an already distinguished music director be the primary purpose of the classes under his direction, or should achieving a memorable and happy high school experience for as many kids as possible be the goal of high school music and performing arts groups?

Perhaps a less rigid practice schedule, fewer, more reasonable expenses and less emphasis on winning might benefit the greatest number of high school students.

Leona Thomason

