
Hollywood’s Hottest Attraction: The LAPD

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Those concerned that Los Angeles’ civic missteps might prove poisonous to the tourist trade may take heart in a recent Hollywood Boulevard encounter. Two young yokels (sporting that telltale / sandal combo) stopped a motorcycle cop in front of Mann’s Chinese.

We figured they’d ask the officer to snap their picture in front of the legendary theater. How passe we were. Seems they weren’t interested in the famous structure, but in the celebrated LAPD. They wanted a shot with the cop, who obliged, flashing a hearty thumbs up as he posed with each tourist.


Dissing Bowie: Nine Inch Nails had already been on tour 14 months when the chance to open for David Bowie came along. Seems singer Trent Reznor needed a rest, but couldn’t turn down the opportunity to tour with one of rock’s icons.


So, we were wondering: If Nine Inch Nails were so honored to tour with Bowie, how come they chose to hold a VIP “meet and greet” session after their set, but during Bowie’s at the Forum last week?


Happy Holidays: The other day, we saw a pumpkin patch attendant chasing a couple of young mothers from his Pasadena pumpkin patch, bellowing and gesturing and threatening to call the police.

The women’s 3- and 4-year-old children had apparently touched the decorations, against angry Mr. Pumpkin Man’s direct orders.

One mother and daughter cowered in the parking lot, both in tears. The mother explained she had just come from a similar traumatic encounter at a dance wear shop in Los Angeles, where her little girl had also been reduced to tears over the purchase of a costume by not one, but two rude saleswomen.

Gee it’s nice to know some Angelenos are getting into the holiday spirit--though we don’t think we’ll be inviting these particular ones over for Thanksgiving dinner.

