
Calls for Cleaning Up Dumps Are on Target

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* Your editorial on the lack of action by the city in cleaning up the Pacoima tire dump was right on target (“Illegal Dump Site Should Be Easy Target,” Oct. 27).

All one has to do is look at the city’s failure to enforce its own laws and regulations regarding closure of [the] Lopez Canyon [landfill] to see that this is not an uncommon practice by city officials. Lopez Canyon is scheduled to close in February. The city has yet to develop a plan or even appoint someone to begin a plan for dealing with the city’s trash. The only thing the city has done is request to keep this health hazard open for an additional five years--against the wishes of the community.

City officials’ inability to be responsible is the reason my office is involved in the fight to close Lopez Canyon. We will continue until the city stops dodging responsibility and keeps its promise to close Lopez Canyon.



Assemblyman, 39th District
