
Board Displays Rules of Disorder

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* I attended the Ventura County Board of Education meeting in which they discussed the need for a parliamentarian to help make the meetings more productive and more civilized. Steve Frank had offered to act as the parliamentarian as a volunteer, which was quite generous. Board Chairwoman Wendy Larner brought it to the board for discussion, even though she has the right to make the decision without board input.

Frankly, I was surprised that Mrs. Larner would be so willing to add “another bureaucratic layer” to the government which she finds so reprehensible. I would recommend that she adopt the “drill and (s)kill” technique for herself and learn Robert’s Rules of Order, the Brown Act and parliamentary procedure. After all, this is the method she proposes for our children. This would be a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate its effectiveness.


Simi Valley

* I went to my last county school board meeting Oct. 30. To say it was a three-ring circus would be to disparage the good names of Barnum, Bailey and Bozo.


One agenda item was on the selection of a parliamentarian. A parliamentarian is sorely needed. Public comment on this one minor item resulted in a display of rudeness, obnoxiousness and personal vindictiveness usually reserved for a drive-by shooting.

Rather than ask for public comment, board President Wendy Larner needs to assert herself and just appoint a parliamentarian. Judging by the behavior of the crowd you would have thought Mrs. Larner was suggesting the appointment of a chaplain. Truly what is needed is a sergeant-at-arms and a sheriff’s deputy on call.

I applaud the two female board members for their maturity in the face of personal attacks and public obstructionism. The three male board members, especially Al Rosen, are a sorry sight. What’s the answer to constructive board meetings? Common courtesy, grace, cordiality, respectfulness, calmness, etc.


