
ASSASSINATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST : Final Address Echoes Words of a Peacemaker

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<i> From Reuters</i>

Yitzhak Rabin’s last public words were the words of a warrior-turned-peacemaker.

Just 90 minutes before the Israeli prime minister was shot and killed Saturday night, he addressed a peace rally attended by an estimated 100,000 people in Tel Aviv’s Kings of Israel Square, and joined in the singing of peace songs.

Following are extracts from his speech:

“This government, which I have the privilege to head with my friend [Foreign Minister] Shimon Peres, decided to give peace a chance. A peace which will solve most of the state of Israel’s problems.

“I was a military man for 27 years. I waged war as long as there was no chance for peace.

“I believe there is now a chance for peace, a great chance, and we must take advantage of it for those standing here, and for those who are not here--and they are many. I have always believed that the majority of the people want peace and are ready to take a chance for peace.


“And you, by coming to this rally, prove . . . that the people truly want peace and oppose violence. Violence erodes the basis of Israeli democracy.

“It should be condemned and wisely expunged and isolated. It is not the way of the state of Israel. There is democracy. There can be disputes, but the outcome will be settled by democratic elections.

“Peace is not only in prayers . . . but it is the desire of the Jewish people. There are enemies of people. They are trying to attack us in order to torpedo peace. . . .

“This rally must broadcast to the Israeli public, to the world Jewish public and to many in the Western and outside world that the people of Israel want peace, support peace. Thank you.”
