
Hope in Youth

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Re “L.A. Clerics Seek Broad Review of Anti-Gang Efforts,” Oct. 19: I am in full agreement. Prevention programs are the ones that can provide effective and long-lasting results.

As adults we have a moral obligation to save all of our children, and in today’s American society it is not realistic to expect it to come only from parents. We must all--government, schools, law enforcement, churches and temples and private business--work together to teach and save our children. I agree with Cardinal Roger Mahoney that Hope in Youth “fills the bill” for the right kind of anti-gang program that is needed today, at least on paper.

From January, 1994, through February, 1995, I was a Hope in Youth School parent organizer in the Huntington Park office. And in my observations, the execution of this wonderful program fell disgustingly short. Many good organizers resigned in disgust, too many organizers did too little work, and the few who actually “filled the bill” were stifled by the Industrial Areas Foundation-trained supervisors.


If Mahoney is serious about Hope in Youth, then he needs to roll up his sleeves and provide a higher level of supervision of Hope in Youth administrators.


Los Angeles
