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Here are excerpts from Gen. Colin L. Powell’s speech and news conference.

On his decision not to run:

”. . . To offer myself as a candidate for president requires a commitment and a passion to run the race and to succeed in the quest -- the kind of passion and the kind of commitment that I felt every day of my 35 years as a soldier, a passion and commitment that despite my every effort I do not have for political life.”


On his plans to remain politically active:

“I will do so as a member of the Republican Party and try to assist the party in broadening its appeal. I believe I can help the party of Lincoln move once again close to the spirit of Lincoln.”



On what the interest in his potential candidacy showed:

“In one generation, we have moved from denying a black man service at a lunch counter to elevating one to the highest military office in the nation and to being a serious contender for the presidency. This is a magnificent country, and I am proud to be one of its sons.”


On his reaction to recent conservative attacks on him:

“I expected opposition . . . [But] when you move away from just disagreeing with somebody’s views and you move into ad hominem attacks to destroy character, you’re adding to the incivility that exists in our political life right now, which we ought to do something about.


On why he ruled out the second spot on the GOP ticket:

“I think having come this far and made this decision, I need to move back into private life, find other things to use my energies and talents on, and not keep the political pot boiling any more . . . “
