
PORT HUENEME : Senior Citizen Meals Program Dishes Up Companionship

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Helen Tella and Doris Hattig have been sharing their lunch hour several days a week for so long, they can’t remember when they began.

Tella believes she may have started lunching at Ventura County’s Senior Nutrition Program in Port Hueneme in 1982, and Hattig before that.

“This is our second home,” Hattig said. “We’re the Bobbsey Twins now, but I don’t think I knew anyone before I came here.”


The program is one of 12 in the county that provide senior citizens with a free meal and, perhaps more important, a chance to socialize.

Thursday, Tella, Hattig and relative newcomer Joan Foley--who joined them 3 1/2 years ago--feasted on the “deli plate,” a turkey, ham and cheese sandwich with potato salad and ice cream.

The three refused to reveal their ages. “It’s rude to even ask,” Tella said.

“They’re lively,” said Luz Rodriguez, who has run the program at the Port Hueneme Senior Center for the last eight years. “They’ve been here as long as I have.”

Almost every weekday, Rodriguez prepares about 50 meals for home delivery by volunteers and at least another 20 for seniors who come to mingle during lunch at the center.

The meals are free, and meet the nutrition criteria of the Older Americans Act. Some are prepared to meet special dietary needs, such as low sodium intake.

“A lot of seniors feel this is just for low-income,” Rodriguez complained. “It’s just for any seniors, to make sure they get one good, balanced meal a day . . . and to give them a place to go and socialize.”


At one table, Carl Watson consumed the deli plate, a favorite among the seniors, with old friends.

“I enjoy the meals,” he said. “My wife’s in a convalescent home and it’s a break in routine to come here, and I enjoy it.”

Watson was joined by several friends, including Ila Finkle, a 6 1/2-year veteran of the program and the only one willing to name her least-favorite food.

“It’s anything with couscous,” she said, grinning wryly.

“I do just come here for the company,” she added. “We enjoy each other.”

Anyone interested in the senior meals program in Port Hueneme can call 487-4367 for more information and reservations. Meals are free, but a $2 donation is suggested for those who can afford it.
