
Richard Case Nagell; Reputed Double Agent for U.S., Soviets

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Richard Case Nagell, 65, reputed double agent who was the subject of the 1992 book “The Man Who Knew Too Much.” Nagell, a former U.S. Army captain who purportedly worked for both the CIA and the Soviet KGB, was featured in a recent book by author Dick Russell. The story was one of a plethora of books--published to mark the 30th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s death--posing conspiracy theories about the assassination. Russell asserted in his 824-page treatise that Nagell had known Kennedy’s killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, before the murder in Dallas and believed that Oswald was duped into thinking he was working for Fidel Castro. Nagell, a native of Greenwich, N.Y., was never interviewed by the Warren Commission or the House Select Committee, but Russell maintained that he should have been a key witness. On Nov. 1 in Los Angeles of heart disease.
