
Anti-Liz Smith

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Does anyone at The Times actually read the puff-piece ramblings of Liz Smith? Her column is an embarrassment to your paper. Liz runs an interview with Cyndy Garvey (Calendar, Oct. 4). After that the real Cyndy Garvey calls to say that the first Cyndy was a fake (Calendar, Oct. 16). Liz quotes the first Cyndy as saying that Regis Philbin made no mention of her in his book; later, Liz admits that Regis did indeed mention Cyndy in his book. It’s called fact-checking, Liz--look into it. Then, instead of apologizing for her stupid mistake, she shifts the blame to the person who hoaxed her.

I was sorry when you added Liz Smith to Calendar several years ago, but her pathetic column, with its toadying to celebrities and rewriting of press releases, has become intolerable.


Los Angeles
