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I nearly coughed up a fur ball after reading Chris Riemenschneider’s article “It’s Really a Dog’s Life for Cats in Hollywood” (Oct. 15).

Speaking on behalf of all katdom, I appreciate the fact that ol’ Chris was trying to come to our rescue. Yeah, we’re tired of being the butt of stupid film pranks and being portrayed as lazy, aloof, do-nothing napcatchers. I don’t mind a little slapstick now and then, but how many times do we have to be used as Frisbees, footballs, powder puffs, twirling toys and battering rams? We can’t depend on the press or cat lovers to save us from this torment any longer. We gotta get organized!

Let’s face it, if pigs and whales can become media megastars, why can’t we? As for canines, ever had a real talk with Toto? That mutt couldn’t spell cat if you spotted him the T and A.

We have known some success. I’ve been around a lot longer than that tasty looking mouse, Mickey whatshisname. My close personal (and rich) friend, Garfield, has become a true crossover superstar. Morris’ name is whispered with awe in the commercial world. What we are missing, then, is desire , the bulldog tenacity (hate that term) that will raise our collective fur and make us take action in this dog-eat-dog (like that term) world.


To cats everywhere, I say it’s time to quit pussyfooting around. Let’s join together in a show of unity (you can reach me via the World Wide Web at ). Together we can show Hollywood that cats really can be top dogs.


North Hollywood

Felix’s mouse was clicked by the executive producers of CBS’ “The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat,” Don Oriolo and Phil Roman, and producer/creative director Timothy Berglund.


Besides those cat movies named by your readers, don’t forget “The Cat From Outer Space,” “The Three Lives of Thomasina” and “Harry and Tonto.”


