
BEST OF L.A.: Given their Westside-is-the-center-of-the-universe bias,...

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BEST OF L.A.: Given their Westside-is-the-center-of-the-universe bias, we weren’t sure Los Angeles magazine editors could find their way to the Valley, much less pay tribute to our good stuff. But, hey, we were wrong, though not by much. In their current issue’s Best of L.A. list, the Valley garnered about a dozen of the 200-plus items.

VALLEY PICKS: What did the mag like about us? The pineapple cream pie at Chili John’s Bowl in Burbank, for one. For another: Celebrity-spotting at the Bigg Chill, a frozen yogurt shop near star-infested television sound stages in Studio City. One more: Saturday morning celeb-spotting at the Mrs. Gooch’s grocery in Sherman Oaks. . . . Vivian Siegel at the Bikini Shop in Encino won for Best Bathing-Suit Saleslady, while the Cat Hotel in Burbank was dubbed Best Pet Retreat.

AMERICA’S GAME: From Myles Standish to Davy Crockett to Jesse James, the ancestors of area high school players include a roll call of American history. C14 . . . Agoura High receiver Shayne Sobel, above, has Ben Franklin in his family tree, as well as Snow White (his mother was the Disney model).


LIGHTEN UP: In a spot of transatlantic PR, the Walt Disney Co. is spending 9,000 (about $14,200) for floodlighting at St. George’s Church in the English town of Gravesend, where the real Pocahontas is buried. The lights went on for the first time a few days ago. . . . “It’s a goodwill gesture. We’ve made a lot of money making a movie about this woman,” says Disney spokeswoman Kym Langlie.

FIRST CLASS: Speaking of bright lights and big cities, consider the spending of the Burbank Airport staff. . . . Records obtained by The Times reveal taxpayer-supported tabs on meals, drinks and cushy air travel from New York to Maui that far exceed such expenditures by staffers at bigger airports. “We socialize . . . but the expense is worthwhile,” explains a spokesman. B1
