
Library Series UrgesKids to Turn Off TV

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A five-day series of free children’s programs called Turn Off the TV Week begins today at the Oxnard Public Library, 251 S. A St.

“During Turn Off the TV Week, we are going to ask local kids to agree to switch off their TV sets in order to discover a whole new world of reading and activities,” said Dan Golden, the library’s community outreach program leader.

The hourlong sessions are set to begin at 6:30 p.m. today through Thursday and at 1:30 p.m. Saturday.


Today, the library offers participation theater; Tuesday, it’s indoor game night; Wednesday will see a puppet show and puppet making session; Thursday is a sing-along, and on Saturday, author Carol Heyer leads a book-illustrating workshop.

The programs are in addition to the homework center held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays at the main branch and on Wednesdays at the same time at the South Oxnard Center Branch at 200 E. Bard Road.

Volunteers who speak Spanish and English help schoolchildren with their homework during the sessions.

Call 385-7535 for more information on library programs.
