
Schools : Education news : LAGUNA BEACH : Trustees Study Bond Idea to Raise Funds

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With schools in need of repair and enrollment growing, the Laguna Beach Unified School District is discussing the possibility of eventually asking voters to help pay for renovations and new classrooms.

The school board heard a presentation on the subject last week, the first step in a process that could lead to a ballot measure as early as June, 1996, Supt. Paul M. Possemato said.

Enrollment has risen from 2,060 to 2,450 since June, 1991, with additional growth expected, Possemato said, signaling the need for more classrooms. Also, he said, the district needs more specialized classrooms that can be used as workrooms for teachers.


District employees and others involved with the schools are now being asked to evaluate what types of repairs and renovations they think will be needed in coming years. The district can then come up with a dollar amount to attach to the general obligation bond it is considering.
