
S. Korea Places Travel Ban on Roh’s Ex-Aides

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South Korea today banned two of disgraced ex-President Roh Tae Woo’s former aides from leaving the country, alleging that they were involved in a slush fund scandal.

The two were Kim Chong In, Roh’s former chief secretary for economic affairs, and Lee Won Joe, a former member of Parliament and one of Roh’s confidants, a prosecution official said.

“The travel ban has been imposed at the request of prosecutors probing into the slush fund scandal,” the prosecution official said.


He said prosecutors would issue summonses for the two men on Sunday or early next week.

Roh was arrested Thursday on bribery charges. He confessed last month to amassing $653 million during his 1988-93 term in office, and kept $222 million after he left.
