
Attacks on Cox Not Warranted

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* It is amazing that Ralph Nader is castigating Rep. Christopher Cox [R-Newport Beach] for the latter’s courageous and logical stand on Medicare and legal liability reforms (“Nader Vilifies Cox During Speech to Senior Citizens,” Nov. 10).

It probably has not struck Nader’s ever-self-righteous mind that our legal system--particularly our liability laws--is the laughingstock of all industrialized nations. It probably has never occurred to Nader that many of our liability laws are driving American companies to move their manufacturing overseas and pushing foreign companies from investing more of their trade surplus back into our shores.

It is important for the retired to realize that their self-interest lies in their taking on a fairer share of the burden in Medicare and retirement funding. By insisting on eating up a bigger piece of the pie, they (and I myself will someday be included) will end up winning the battle and losing the war. Nader was brilliant in unveiling the Pinto gas tank tragedy to the American public; it is sad that his current rantings sound more like the exhaust of a broken muffler.



Corona del Mar

* This senior citizen initially voted against Christopher Cox in his first congressional run. But I have changed my opinion. And I have a bit to say to Marie Walsh of the Chris Cox Cruelty Society and to Ralph Nader: If he were my own son, I couldn’t be more proud of Chris Cox for his efforts to stem the deficit and balance the budget. If you are so filled with hate toward this representative, you could at least invite him to address your group. He could tell you how he is trying to slow the growth of spending that has been ruining the country for years. He works so that his own children will have a future and for the futures of our children and our grandchildren. He is not cruel. He works for all of us.


Costa Mesa
