
Coyotes Out of Control Because of City Inaction

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* A recent letter concerning the lack of quick and responsible action on the part of Councilwoman Laura Chick’s office in modifying the city’s coyote trapping ban refers to the near-attack of our son in 1994. Actually, the event took place in late 1993, which makes the inaction of Chick and her staff ever more egregious. The barrage of coyote sightings at Justice Street Elementary school was preceded not only by the stalking of our then-18-month-old child, but by two coyote attacks in the city of Los Angeles, including that of a young girl in Griffith Park. It is indeed lamentable that these events as well as the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of pets could have been avoided if only Chick and other city leaders had acted promptly and responsibly before the situation was allowed to get out of hand.


