
Valleywide : Braude Proposes Curb on Cable Equipment

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Los Angeles City Councilman Marvin Braude last week proposed that the city develop a plan that would restrict the proliferation of “ugly” antennas and utility boxes throughout the city.

Tuesday’s proposal would require many of the new telephone and cable television companies that have invaded the Los Angeles market to share the same cables and other telecommunications equipment. The city, or a company contracted by the city, would install the equipment.

“Unless we demonstrate leadership to prepare for the inevitable changes that await us,” Braude said, “our city’s cable and telephone infrastructure could become a redundant, overbuilt system that places a terrible burden of torn-up streets and traffic interruption on the people, and means higher costs for Los Angeles city residents.”


If cable and telephone companies are allowed to install their own wiring and utility boxes, they will pass on the costs to their customers, Braude explained.

The councilman said he hopes the City Council will appoint a task force to develop such a plan.

First, the proposal must be considered by the City Council’s Information Technology and General Services Committee.
