
Laguna Niguel Cracks Down on Stationery Use

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As the City Council moved to head off the Eddie Rose controversy Tuesday night by restricting its own use of city stationery, Rose supporters struck back by handing a recall notice to Mayor Mark Goodman.

The council unanimously passed a set of restrictions that all use of city stationery be pre-approved by City Manager Tim Casey or City Atty. Terry Dixon. The same is true for use of fax machines and copiers.

Copies of any communication typed on city letterhead now must be sent to all council members. All faxes and copies must be done by the council secretary. The rules will also apply to city staff.


The new rules were prompted by a controversy set off when Rose sent a letter to local newspapers on city stationery last month protesting the O.J. Simpson verdict in language that many considered racially biased.

But Rose supporters Tuesday night accused Goodman of using the situation for political gain. They pointed to a news conference he called to announce a special meeting of the City Council to discuss whether to censure Rose. He was not censured.

“Your horrid behavior culminated in slanderous charges being leveled at Mr. Rose,” said recall organizer Jim Tarvin. “I am formally serving you, Mayor Goodman, with recall notice.”

Goodman responded, “I didn’t write that filthy piece of trash, and I didn’t put it on the fax machine.”

Rose agreed in general with the policy Tuesday, saying, “The intent is fine.” But he questioned its practicality.

“Does that mean if we’re working to 6 or 7 p.m. that we have to call for permission to make a copy?” Rose asked.


“We don’t know what you’re doing when you go to the copy room and shut the door,” Casey said. “We do know there are things coming that have nothing to do with city business. . . . We don’t need this policy if we have some basic trust.”

About 35 residents started a recall drive against Rose last week. They have four months to collect 6,102 signatures.

Goodman has one week to respond to the recall petition, which will then be reviewed by Dixon and City Clerk Juanita Zarilla.
