
SPLIT ON PEACE: Local congressmen are divided...

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SPLIT ON PEACE: Local congressmen are divided on President Clinton’s push to send U.S. troops to the Balkans to help enforce the peace (A1). . . . Democrat Anthony Beilenson, who represents Thousand Oaks, says “there is no better use of our military personnel than to help ensure the peace in this historically volatile part of Europe.” . . . Republican Elton Gallegly, who represents the rest of the county, disagrees. “Putting our troops at risk overseas is not the answer here.”

BEAUTIFYING BALBOA: Educators at Ventura’s Balboa Middle School, with help from Kinko’s employees, are trying to make over the campus with new paint and a new center court. . . . The school, built in the early 1960s, once was nominated in a radio contest as the ugliest in the city, Principal Helena Reaves says, laughing. “It’s structurally sound, but it’s not a beautiful building.” . . . About 30 people showed up Saturday to begin priming, but two more priming days are scheduled Nov. 28 and Dec. 4 before the big make-over Dec. 9. Call 641-5145 to volunteer time or supplies.

AWESOME AUSSIE: His teammates are pretty happy that center Pero Vasiljevic, a 6-foot-9 exchange student from Australia, ended up at Simi Valley High School (C7). His opponents aren’t as thrilled. “His addition completely upsets the balance of area basketball,” one opposing coach says. . . . Vasiljevic plans to continue playing basketball when he graduates, either in college or professionally in Australia. . . . The season begins next Tuesday for the Simi Valley Pioneers.


MINI-MANIA: It wasn’t a Fab Four frenzy, but some Southland Beatles lovers stayed up late to get the latest release from the lads (F1). . . . In Ventura County, Best Buy in Oxnard sold about 300 copies of the anthology between 12:01 and 1 a.m. Tuesday (B1). . . . Part of the reason for the light turnout elsewhere, says Jeff Haines at Salzer’s in Ventura, was that a couple of other stores broke the Tuesday embargo and began selling the CD early.
