
Colombia to Allow Phone Markets to Compete:...

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Colombia to Allow Phone Markets to Compete: In a change of plans, the South American country will open its national and international phone markets to competition next year, Communications Ministry officials said. Colombia had planned to allow two private companies to compete with state monopoly Telecom in the national long-distance market as of Jan. 1, 1997. The international long-distance market was to be opened up Jan. 1, 1998. Now the two markets will be opened simultaneously on Dec. 1, 1996. “We felt there was no logical reason for opening the international market a year later,” Carlos Ruiz, adviser to Communications Minister Armando Benedetti, said. Colombia will choose the two non-state companies that will compete in the $1.4-billion phone market by June 30, the ministry said. Colombia is expecting to receive $300 million or more from each winning bidder in an auction, Ruiz said. The minimum price will be $100 million.
