
Not the Usual Suspect

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I don’t think there’s a finer show on TV than “Prime Suspect,” and its protagonist, Jane Tennison, played by Helen Mirren, is the only real woman on TV (“Vamp, Diva or Grande Dame? Does She Have to Choose?” by Bruce Shenitz, Oct. 22.) I was hoping American TV would have the guts to produce its own weekly “Prime Suspect,” with Helen Mirren in the lead. And when I read how Mirren loves Shakespeare, I knew I’d chosen the right actress to be my favorite.

Shereen Walker

Los Angeles


I have followed Mirren’s acting career since I first saw her in “Prime Suspect.” She is indeed a vamp, and a grande dame. When one compares Mirren to almost any American actress, one quickly sees shows how poor the quality of acting is here. I would prefer to watch Mirren in reruns of any of her performances over any American film or TV production.

Alan Chinn

Santa Barbara
