
Japan’s Supremacy

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Christopher Layne’s column (Commentary, Nov. 20) referring to Japan as the Carthage of the 21st Century is nothing more than the usual anti-American drivel spewed forth by ivory tower elitists.

The U.S. has not surrendered its technological edge to Japan or any other country. The overwhelming majority of breakthroughs in all areas of science and technology are made in the U.S. Despite the numbers thrown at the American public regarding the superior performance (on the average) of Japanese and other East Asian students, and the high rate of scientists and engineers turned out by these same nations, very few breakthroughs are made by these people.

As far as economics, the U.S. has been enjoying the world’s most competitive economy. To maintain a high position against Japan, China, Korea and a unified Europe, the U.S. will have to adopt the same attitude these countries and regions display: “We first.” Not politically correct, but the truth.



