
Adm. Richard Macke

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* I am shocked and puzzled over the reaction of the citizens of Japan and Okinawa who voiced an outcry of indignation over the remarks of Adm. Richard C. Macke (Nov. 19).

Perhaps the heinous rape could have been avoided had the perpetrators selected another means of satisfying their sexual urges. This is all Macke said, and I agree with him.

What disturbs me most is that the furor comes from citizens of a country whose World War II “heroes” satisfied their sexual urges by enslaving innocent women. It took these heroes only 50 years to offer what amounted to a tepid apology.



Los Angeles

* I have been to Okinawa and my heart breaks for the tragedy of the rape of a 12-year-old there. Americans were shocked too, but for more reasons than Okinawans can imagine.

In America, children cannot walk anywhere alone. They are shot, raped, molested, kidnaped so often that we are beyond hope. In Okinawa the authorities actually found the perpetrators.

Could the Okinawans please send troops?


Los Angeles

* I deplore rape, and I am most assuredly convinced that Macke deplores rape.

At most, Macke is guilty of expressing an insensitive remark, an offense for which we have all been guilty. This incident should in no way jeopardize a distinguished position and service record. If such were the case, many of our Founding Fathers and their modern-day counterparts would have been forced to resign from office.

