
San Gabriel Valley : Scott Announces Bid for Assembly Seat

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Standing on the campus he is credited with transforming, retiring Pasadena City College President Jack Scott announced Tuesday he wants to bring the same leadership to state politics by running as a Democrat for the 44th Assembly District against Republican incumbent Bill Hoge.

“All of us are dismayed at the constant partisan bickering among politicians in the Legislature. But it doesn’t have to be that way,” said Scott, who retires Friday after eight years and $100-million worth of improvements to the college.

The 62-year-old, Yale-educated Texan said he will break the Sacramento gridlock by bringing people with diverse views together.


Scott, a fiscal conservative and liberal activist, said education is his priority, along with balancing the state budget and ensuring that citizens can live without fear of guns and the kind of violence that his family has experienced firsthand. His 27-year-old son, Adam, was shot to death in October, 1993, at a party. A trial is set for next March.

Two other Democratic candidates, Los Angeles Deputy Dist. Atty. David Vaughn and attorney Greg Evans, have withdrawn and endorsed Scott.
