
IRVINE : Recall Organizer Calls Off Effort

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Attempts to revive a failed recall drive aimed at three council members have been suspended, with organizer Gary Kingsbury saying he will redirect his efforts toward the next council election.

Kingsbury had singled out Mayor Michael Ward and council members Barry J. Hammond and Paula Werner for recall over their July, 1994, approval of a plan to borrow $62 million to make an additional investment in the ill-fated county investment pool.

But he fell 600 signatures short of his goal to have a recall election against Ward and Hammond included on the March, 1996, primary ballot. Recall proponents needed another 1,700 signatures for Werner.


Volunteers with Kingsbury’s Irvine Recall Committee have reviewed about 40% of the disqualified recall petitions in an attempt to find errors made by the registrar of voters. But Kingsbury said he was forced to stop the challenge because his lead volunteer, Maurice Platte, is no longer able to coordinate the effort.

Kingsbury said he did not know how many, if any, of the disqualified recall petitions that volunteers reviewed could have been challenged.

The terms of Ward and Werner expire in November, 1996. But because of term limits, Ward can run only for a City Council seat and Werner can run only for the mayor’s position. Kingsbury said he will consider running against Ward if he seeks election to a council seat. Ward said he is thinking about running; Werner said she is undecided.

Council members estimate the failed recall drive cost the city $72,000 to review the petitions as required by law.
