
FREE LUNCH: Kids in the free lunch...

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FREE LUNCH: Kids in the free lunch program in the Las Virgenes Unified School District no longer have to worry about singing for their supper. That’s because the Board of Education canned a written policy that said students should “earn their meals” whenever possible. . . . Officials worried that the never-enforced policy would be construed as discriminatory.

BORN YESTERDAY: Skateboarders at a Santa Clarita City Council meeting drew yucks as one of them defended their cherished activity. “It’s like back in the days when you played marbles,” said Anita San Juan. . . . “Believe me,” quipped Mayor Jo Anne Darcy, “we played more exciting games than that.”

LAUGH TRACK: Think it’s easy to amuse a television studio audience waiting for the real stars to come out? The comics who get these groups into the proper giggly mood say it’s heavy lifting. . . . Find out why from the likes of warm-up comic Louis Dix, above, in today’s Valley Calendar (F1B).


HAPPY CAMPERS: Working parents. Vacationing kids. Big problems. How about holiday camp? (F15)

PET PROJECT: L.A. Councilman Joel Wachs will pose with pets this morning. His office promises “very cute but lonely animals” at the East Valley Shelter. . . . It’s a pitch for holiday gift certificates redeemable for orphan animals.

BEASTLY: Disney has billed Vice President Al Gore and wife Tipper $8,365 for their “Beauty and the Beast” Halloween costumes. . . . The tab will be paid by the Democratic National Committee. Guess that’ll show the Gores not to invite 500 reporters to a party.
