
FIRST AT MAIN: The last time Disneyland...

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FIRST AT MAIN: The last time Disneyland offered free entry--Halloween 1994--it created an unexpected traffic nightmare that left many stranded outside after the gates closed. Disneyland’s latest free offer should be a little easier to control--the rides will be shut down. . . . The Anaheim theme park’s Main Street stores will be open after hours to Christmas shoppers Wednesday, from 6 to 9 p.m., with no charge except a $5 parking fee. . . . Main Street area restaurants will be open too, and Mickey and Goofy and that bunch will work the crowds to keep the youngsters entertained.

PERSONAL PRESENTS: The Volunteer Center of Orange County (E1) has an unusual gift certificate for the holidays. You get a chance to give yourself for a present. . . . The certificate pledges your volunteer time to an individual or organization of your choice. Says center president Carol Stone: “We’d be thrilled to help anyone find a place that their gift of giving can make a difference in someone’s life.”

AIRING RESPECT: It’s no surprise to Dawn Blodgett of Costa Mesa that the airlines believe their staffs need a little sensitivity training in dealing with wheelchair passengers like her. “I’ve had my wheelchair broken, I’ve seen them pile all their gear into my wheelchair, you name it,” she says. . . . This week, Blodgett, who is active in wheelchair issues, is in Dallas to tape a training session for American Airlines to teach its staff better ways to handle ticket holders with wheelchairs. “It’s good that they want to improve,” she says.


FAST MUSIC: You’ve heard they don’t make musicals like they used to? They don’t make anything movie-wise like they used to. To prove it, Cinemapolis theaters in Anaheim Hills is showing “Oklahoma” tonight at 7, part of its monthly classic series, in its original format--70 millimeter instead of the standard 35 millimeter, 30 frames a second instead of 24. . . . Is that really much different? “And how,” says manager Sherry Gartley. “The clarity is unbelievable.”

TONIGHT: Alt (F3) and Nico & the Garbagemen play rock at 8, the Coach House, San Juan Capistrano. (714) 496-8930.
